As the coronavirus outbreak forces us into our homes and online, learners in the leisure industry must not only navigate news ways to continue their studies, but actually make the most of this unforeseen opportunity to further their skills ready to emerge after this crisis stronger and better. Leading the way facilitating this is the UK’s foremost awarding organisation Active IQ, which has pivoted to offer further flexible digital learning while simultaneously offering free upskilling options for fitpros during the lockdown. We spoke to Jenny Patrickson, Managing Director at Active IQ to find out:
How to keep the next generation of leisure industry learners on track
The best ways for fitpros to maximise any extra time at home to upskill
What the leisure industry might learn from lockdown to improve
The art of being agile
As a business – like the leisure industry - we never stand still. This has never been more important than now to navigate the lockdown and keep our learners on track. The coronavirus crisis called for creativity to work fast to deliver adaptations that are valid and fair.
Our new plans will help to keep the wheels turning for our training centres and learners, helping them to transition from face-to-face teaching to eLearning and combining digital education with extensive remote support from trainers. We are seeing both learners and trainers appreciate these adaptations and taking the changes in their stride to keep their learning and tuition on track.
Adaptability – a key fitpro skill
The best instructors and PTs are creative and adaptable as well as educated and technically proficient. The current lockdown adaptations to lifestyles and learning are simply fast-tracking these skills. I have no doubt that being called upon to modify their approach and apply their learning to demonstrating at-home exercise options with little or no equipment, will encourage learners to dig a bit deeper and learn more in the process.
With extra time comes extra opportunity
Fitpros can make the most of their new situation with our Skills Hub CPD and Medical Advisor training resources. Usually only available to Active IQ centres and learners, we’re opening it up for free to all fitness professionals with immediate effect to help them make the most of their time during the coronavirus pandemic.
The whole industry is in a state of flux but with the extra time comes extra opportunity to learn new skills and broaden knowledge. If fitpros can emerge from the coronavirus shutdown with additional skills and motivation, that can only bring optimism and strength to them, their clients and employers.
Underpinned by webinars, podcasts, video content and supporting resources, the diverse topics on offer include nutrition and dieting, bodyweight and functional training plus exercise prescription including kettlebells and suspended movement training. Unsurprisingly, one of the most sought-after CPD programmes is about online training techniques which PTs are finding helpful as they move their clients to virtual programming. Quite apart from keeping clients active and engaged at the current time, online PT instructing may well be here to stay: the smart PT will get this qualification quickly.
Every cloud has a silver lining
Everyone is learning on their feet but that shouldn’t be something to worry about. We as an organisation – and the industry as a whole – could emerge from this transitional period with some positive take away learnings that could improve the shape of our processes and relationships going forwards. Already we have learned that our training centres, learners and operator partners can adapt and pivot when they need to. We have seen a vast amount of communications and decisions sped-up by going online while home working has given essential and valuable flexibility to colleagues and partners. The industry won’t go back to its original shape after this and we must be brave enough to take forward any learnings and improvements arising from the enforced changes to come back positive and strong. To find more and register for the free access to the Skills Hub CPD and Medical Advisor sections, email
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